Monday, September 27, 2010


trees enveloping paths.
banners of joy.
beautiful subject.
slices of shade.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Welcome Asher.

a dear friend
a precious life.
little yawns
tiny digits
little fingers
many kisses.
a beautiful blessing.
congrats cari and kelly!

Deutsch Wedding

*Photo taken by Aly Thompson

*Photo taken by Aly Thompson

*Photo taken by Aly Thompson

*Photo taken by Aly Thompson

sandy, wet
wedding dresses
bare feet--
shades, a giant watch
giggles, deep breaths,
a love as deep
as the sea.
what a blessed event
an honor to capture.
congrats andrea and denny.

Battle Wedding

*taken by Aly Thompson

what a blissful wedding
to capture
such a willing and flexible
bride and groom.
no words are greater
to a photographer than
hearing from a bride,
"is it ok if we lay down
in the grass for a photo?"
what a refreshing, delightful couple.
congrats, ethan and sabrina!